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Our Products

Built with 100% renewable energy, Open Source and a lot of love from Switzerland. Check our whole product list of sustainable technology here.

Managed IPv4 Address


Reach your camera, temerature sensor, or PLC wherever you are. Managed IPv4 Address enables you to monitor your projects from anywhere. 

Mastodon Hosting


Start decentralised social media for your community. 



Professional IPv6 router with 4G LTE is here!

Matrix for Climate


End-to-end Encrypted and Federated. A secure and decentralised chat system that is thoroughly sustainable.



A mini IPv6 router with WiFi enabled. Versatile and hassle-free!

VIIRB: The VPN IPv6 IoT Router Box


VIIRB: The world's smallest IPv6 router and VPN gateway. It's your IPv6 on the go, IPv6 only WIFI, a BGP rooter, and more.


Free your digital workflow from carbon footprint: we introduce zero carbon chat and zero carbon cloud

Data Center Light


A Swiss datacenter run by 100% renewable energy. Data Center Light has full FOSS stack, 100% IPv6 and 100% SSD. Debian, Ubuntu, Devuan, AlpineLinux, Archlinux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and CentOS VMs.



A storage and backup solution for professionals and companies. Glarnercloud offers tailormade solutions for photographers, movie makers, even enthusiastic hobbyists. Store your data in the safest place in the world: Switzerland. 



Get IPv6 VMs and IPv6 VPN from IPV6onlyhosting. VM Prices start from only 2.5 CHF/Month, VPN is free for all customers. Be surprised at how much you are enabled by IPv6!


The ungleich IPv6 VPN enables you to have IPv6 anywhere in the world. The base technology is wireguard, it is supported on Linux, BSD, MacOS, and Windows - you can use it even on your phone.

Devuan hosting


We're the first Devuan VM provider in the world! Devuan hosting offers you the freedom to live without systemd. Software freedom, your way. 

High Speed Internet


We offer high speed fiber internet in Glarus Süd, Glarus and Glarus Nord. Experience 100 Mbit/s and see how speed can change everything.

Django hosting


Django is a powerful web framework ungleich uses in all our web projects. We love Django! That's why we offer Django hosting for affordable price. 

Linux System Engineering


We design, implement and maintain your Linux infrastructure. Our well-trained team of system engineers offer serviecs as IT architects, devops engineers and system administrators. 

Rails Hosting


Ready to go live with your Ruby on Rails application? We offer you ready-to-deploy virtual machines or configure your existing infrastructure for Ruby on Rails.

ungleich Gift Card


Made in Switzerland with 100% renewable energy and Open Source. Our Gift Card lets you give sustainability as a gift.

Our Projects

We are building the sustainable future of digital world. Our passion is bridging technology and community.

Hacking Villa Diesbach


A space for creative minds in the heart of Switzerland. Open for offsites, workshops and more!

Open Infrastructure Project


Have you ever wanted a feature in a software, product or infrastructure? We support you to create your own feature: by opening up all our infrastructure. is open! Anybody who wants to discuss anything around the topic of IPv6 is welcome to join this funride!

Penguin Comics


Welcome to the world of Linux & IPv6 penguins! Explore the cutting-edge, real time tech topics with our Linux & IPv6 penguin heroes. 

Digital Glarus


Digital Glarus is our beautiful co-working space in the middle of Alps. Bring your latest projects to our brilliant workshops, meetups, hikes and many more great events. 

Digital Glarus coworking space

Digital Glarus Meetup




Hack4Glarus is the first hackathon of Glarus. It is your chance to meet & hack with geniuses of Switzerland and the world. To our selected participants we provide a great full-board environment for hacking days and nights, it's all about technology and fun.

Digitale Bildung ungleich


Computer learning club open for all. Anybody who has interest in learning or teaching IT is welcome to join our club. We meet at Digital Chalet Schwanden and help each other in learning IT. 

ungleich quiz v6


Test your system engineering skills with ungleich quiz. Will you make it to the hall of fame? We're as curious as you are!



cdist is an innovative Swiss configuration management system. Its core values are simplicity and powerfulness: cdist requires only minimum on its target system. Its distribution is push based. cdist configures any host that has a ssh server running.


The core value of ungleich is open source and freedom. 
We love the freedom of choosing when and where to work, how to work and what to work with.


The timeline of ungleich

  • 2000

    The first incarnation of ungleich

    in Germany

  • 2013

    ungleich founded in Switzerland

  • 2015

    ungleich introduces HA-Hosting

    and introduces affordable 24X7 support.

    ungleich launches Digital Glarus project

  • 2016

    ungleich launches Alplora, an animal tracking service with LoraWAN technology.

  • 2017

    ungleich sells Alplora to an IoT startup in canton Zürich.

    ungleich launches the Swiss VM hosting with 100% renewable energy, Data Center Light.

    ungleich hosts the first hackathon of canton Glarus, Hack4Glarus.

  • 2018 

    ungleich successfully expands Data Center Light to Linthal by crowdfunding

    ungleich launches IPv6-only hosting.



  • 2019

    ungleich opens up an IT learning and hacking space in canton Glarus: Hacking Villa Diesbach.

  • 2020

    ungleich presents the world’s smallest IPv6 IoT Router Box and VPN gateway, VIIRB.

  • AND



*ungleich means not equal to (≠) U+2260.

News and Blog

Check out our new blog for the latest news and blog posts. 



March 27, 2021

Test & Beratung | IPv6-Router


The Chat App of 2021


February 19, 2021

What to consider when choosing a chat app, and why we use Matrix


Build & Market IPv6-only Services


December 04, 2019

Featured on RIPE NCC Labs and APNIC Blog 


Turn off DoH, Firefox. Now.


September. 11, 2019

What we need to do when Mozilla is taking a wrong turn.

Eine Informatik-Schule in Glarnerland


Aug. 05, 2019



How to run a really green datacenter


July 12, 2019

A datacenter with as little carbon footprint as possible


Contact Us

Chat ungleich

+41 55 505 6266

ungleich glarus ag  Hauptstrasse 28, 8777 Diesbach

ungleich GmbH  Hauptstrasse 14, 8775 Luchsingen

Education Center + Hacking Villa  Haupstrasse 28, 8777 Diesbach